We Published Our Second Book!

On January 3rd we returned Meyer’s dusack with a mission. This time we weren’t just going to work through the manual, as we had done in the past. No, this time we were going to create our own gloss or explanation for every play we learned.

Nine months, ten chapters, and 163 pages later, we’ve got something to show for it, the Meyer Dusack Drill Book, vol. 1.

Every single device from Rule 1 through Zornhut was carefully recorded with a mix of diagrams, tempo breakdowns, commentary, and supplementary drills. We even added quick reference tables at the beginning of chapters to help you find the play we’re looking for.

Yes, I said “we”. This book wasn’t created to be sold, it was created because we actually use these in our club. And having it professionally printed and spiral bound makes more sense than loose handouts shoved in a gear bag.

As with our Meyer Rapier Drill Book, we don’t expect you to pay for it. We’ll happily take your money and use it towards future projects (like the massive Meyer Longsword text that really need editors). But if you want to print it out yourself, you can still download the PDF version for free.

And if you want to get involved in future Drill Book projects, our email address and Discord are at the bottom of the page.

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