L’Ange does something unusual when he presents the thrusts. Rather than having a set of unrelated exercises, most of the plays build on the previous play. He is essentially working his way up to a full routine (think kata or assaulti). This is great for a daily practice, but when learning the components, it may be better to focus on each lunge in isolation.

The exercises assume that the student is working a senior that already knows the parries. The senior’s job isn’t to win, but rather to just provide the stimuli that the student needs to progress through the sequence.
- Play 7.1: Illustrations 6-7-8.
- Play 7.2: Illustrations 6-7-53.
- Play 7.3: Illustrations 6-7-8-9.
- Play 7.4: Illustrations 6-7-8-9-13-10.
- Play 7.5: Illustrations 6-7-8-9-53.
Illustrations 6 and 7, the constraints, can be found in “Postures and Constraints” poster.
You have noticed that the Lunge from High Secunda doesn’t have a number. We added this because you’ll need to know how to do it when you work on “Concerning the Parry Below in Secunda” in the next chapter.