Andre Paurenfeyndt Staff

In 1516 Andre Paurenfeyndt published his Ergrundung Ritterlicher Kunst der Fechterey (Founding of the Chivalric Art of Swordplay). Through 16 lessons with the staff he gives us the fundamental skills needed to be successful with a variety of weapons including the long spear, javelin, boar spear, halberd, and pike.


This introductory course is open to experienced fencers. Due to the additional risk associated with polearms, students must demonstrate the ability to safely train with another weapon first.

Students who complete this course are invited to retake it using other polearms.

This course does not currently have a sparring component.

Study Guides and Books

All students will be provided with a copy of our staff training guide so they can practice both in class and at home.


All students will be give a basic hardwood staff cut to the height of their shoulder. Students are responsible for the maintenance of their staff, which primarily consists of periodic sanding.

Students may choose to purchase their own high quality staff. Hickory is generally recommended.