Scholars of Alcala offers a complete training program for the Meyer’s German Longsword in San Diego. Published in 1570, Joachim Meyer‘s book is by far the most comprehensive text on two-handed swords in the western world.

For our current times and locations, see our schedule page.
Meyer Longsword 1: Fundamentals
This introductory course is open to all beginners. You will start with footwork, how to hold the sword, and the basic postures. Then you will work your way through 51 plays across the following topics:
- Cutting Through the Postures: 4 Exercises
- Primary Cuts Cuts: 4 Plays and 11 Supplementary Drills
- Some Useful Advice About Versetzen (Parrying): 4 Plays
- How One Shall Attack to the Four Openings: 12 Plays
- Abzug (Withdrawal): 4 Exercises
- Stepping: 2 Exercises
- Example Device and Tag (Day): 10 Plays
The text book for this course is Meyer Longsword Drill Book vol. 1, which will be provided to all students as part of their membership.
Sparring will be permitted for students by permission of the instructor.
Meyer Longsword 2: Fighting from the Postures
This is an in-depth study of the postures (a.k.a. guards) used with the longsword, is suitable for all fencers with prior experience with the weapon. Meyer Longsword 1 is recommended, but not specifically required. The 38 plays in this course are divided into these topics:
- Zornhut (Wrath Guard): 7 Plays
- Ochs (Ox): 4 Plays
- Einhorn (Unicorn): 4 Plays
- Schlüssel (Key): 2 Plays
- Hangetort (Hanging Point):3 Plays
- Schrankhut (Crossed Guard):4 Plays
- Nebenhut (Side Guard): 1 Play
- Mittelhut (Middle Guard): 3 Plays
- Langort (Longpoint): 8 Plays
- Wechsel (Changer): 2 Plays
The text book for this course is Meyer Longsword Drill Book vol. 1, which will be provided to all students as part of their membership.
Sparring is optional for students in this class.
Meyer Longsword 3: Secondary Cuts and Fighting from the Bind
This course has 47 plays that cover the advanced cuts, entering and working from a ‘normal’ bind, and a detailed look at the high bind. It is suitable for all fencers with prior experience with the weapon. Meyer Longsword 1 is recommended, but not specifically required.
- Secondary Cuts: 11 Plays
- Handtarbeit (Handwork): 29 Plays
- Brechfenster (Break Window): 7 Plays
The text book for this course is Meyer Longsword Drill Book vol. 1, which will be provided to all students as part of their membership.
Sparring is optional for students in this class. Safety equipment suitable for a steel sword is required.
This can be taken before or alongside Meyer Longsword 2.
Study Guides and Books
No prior experience is needed. All fencers will be provided with a copy of our longsword training guide with over 300 pages of drills and exercises so they can practice both in class and at home.
- Meyer Longsword Drill Book 1 (Print) (Free PDF)
- German Longsword Study Guide by Keith Farrell & Alex Bourdas (
- Joachim Meyer (Wiktenauer)
- The Art of Combat (2014) by Joachim Meyer (
- Historical Fighting Fundamentals: German Longsword
- Foundational Description of the Art of Fencing – Study Edition (
Swords and safety gear is available for beginners.
Meyer’s techniques were designed for longswords that are approximately armpit high. When working on the devices, a lighter/faster blade will serve you better than a heavy blade that dominates the centerline.
- Meyer Longsword Trainer (
- Training Feder, Rev A, Flexible, Rolled Tip (
- Synthetic Feder – SoCal Swords
- Synthetic Feder XL – SoCal Swords
- Synthetic Danish Two-Handed Sword – SoCal Swords
For early German longsword and the handwork sections of Meyer, you want the opposite. The width of the blade is especially important for winding actions, as it dictates how for your blade moves the opponent’s out of the way.
Training Posters