Manciolino’s Sword and Buckler

Scholars of Alcala offers a complete training program for the Bolognese Sword and Buckler in San Diego. Our primary text is Antonio Manciolino’s Opera Nova (A New Work) published in 1531. This set of 6 books covers the sword with a variety of accompaniments as well as polearms.

For our current times and locations, see our schedule page.

Study Guides and Books

No prior experience is needed. All fencers will be provided with a copy of our sword and buckler training guides so they can practice both in class and at home.


Swords and safety gear is available for beginners.

Detailed information on Manciolino’s preferred sword design isn’t available. Sideswords with finger rings tend to work better for some techniques but are not required. Large side rings on the inside (palm side) may interfere with the buckler somewhat, but are still acceptable.


Our program focuses on the brochiere piccolo (small buckler), which research suggests is a round buckler, approximately 8 to 10″ in diameter. However, 12″ bucklers can be used for these techniques.

TherionArms – Shields and bucklers

The larger 15″ bucklers and the square targa bucklers are part of the Bolognese tradition, but are not covered in this class.

Training Posters