Scholars of Alcala’s 17th century program rapier includes classes based on several Italian masters including Salvator Fabris and Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli. However, our introductory course is focuses on Jéann Daniel L’Ange. Though German, his book titled A Clear and Thorough Explanation of the Noble, Chivalric, and Free Art of Fencing closely follows the Italian fencing tradition. And we feel it provides the solid foundation new fencers need before tackling the more advanced Italian texts.

For our current times and locations, see our schedule page.
L’Ange Rapier 1: Fundamentals
This introductory course is open to all beginners. You will start with footwork, how to hold the sword, and the basic postures. Then you will work your way through 34 plays across the following topics:
- Constraints and the Hauptstöβ (Main Thrusts): 7 Plays
- Pariren und Nachstossen (Parrying and Thrusting After): 4 Plays
- Cavation (Disengagements): 5 Plays
- Fainten (Feints): 4 Plays
- Doppelte Fainten (Double Feints): 2 Plays
- Doppelte Paraden (Double Parries): 3 Plays
- Rütschende Stöβ (Gliding Thrust): 4 Plays
- The Appel as an Invitation and as an Attack: 5 Plays
Sparring becomes an option after completion of the first two topics.
Students will be provided a preview edition of our L’Ange Rapier Drill Book.
L’Ange Rapier 2: Advanced Topics
Covering the second half of L’Ange’s book, this is a mix of new techniques and a more in-depth look at previous material. In addition to the 52 plays, there are exploration topics where we apply new concepts to older material. This course is open to all fencers with a background in 17th century Italian rapier. Completion of L’Ange Rapier 1 is recommended but not required.
- Gaining and Binding the Blade: 2 Plays
- Engaging from Outside Measure: 2 Plays
- Stepping Vs. Jumping Backwards
- Passades (Passing Steps): 8 Plays
- Voltas (Turns): 6 Plays
- Seizing and Taking the Sword: 2 Plays
- Disarms: 5 Plays
- Throws: 5 Plays
- Disengage and Counter-disengage: 4 Plays
- Thrusting into Feints: 5 Plays
- How From One Posture You Shall Form Another
- Breaking Measure: 2 Plays
- Sword in Both Hands: 1 Play
- Parries with the Left Hand
- Caminiren (Proceeding with Resolution)
- Angled Thrusts: 3 Plays
- Lowered Thrusts: 3 Plays
- Against Left-Handed Fencers: 4 Plays
Sparring is required for this course. Participation in grappling plays are optional.
Students will be provided a preview edition of our L’Ange Rapier Drill Book.
Study Guides and Books
All fencers will be provided with a copy of our rapier training guide they can practice both in class and at home.
- L`Ange Rapier Drill Book
- Jéann Daniel L’Ange (Wiktenauer)
- Lessons on the Thrust (
- Illuminated L’Ange (Print) (Free PDF)
Swords and safety gear is available for beginners.
L’Ange’s techniques were designed for moderately long rapiers that are approximately sternum high. However, any rapier balanced for thrusting in the 35″ to 45″ range will work for this flexible system. However, the sword must have true quillons (cross bar). Here are some examples,
- Darkwood Armory Economy Rapier
- VB Cup Hilt Rapier (
- Regenyei Armoury Rapier (
- Rapiers — PikeArmory
- Complete Economy Rapier – Castille Armory
Training Posters