Recently we ran a fechtschule instead of a tournament. This gave our fencers a very different experience where respect for the weapon and the opponent took precedence over winning points.
Like a historic fechtschule, the bouts were not pre-arranged. Anyone could fence at any time by choosing simply declaring that they were ready. So there are no pools or elimination rounds, everyone fights as much as they want.
General Guidelines
- No rushing in and grappling, except in wrestling games.
- No pommel strikes.
- Judges are to advise, but ultimately the fencers need to decide the outcomes.
The rules are heavily inspired by the limitations of the time period such as not having fencing masks. The basic rule sets are as follows. For the complete rules, see the linked file.
Fechtfeder Rules
The fechtfeder (fencing feather) lists are designed to simulate historic fechtschule rules. In an actual fechtschule, injures were common and may even be required to win. But at the same time, they couldn’t be so severe that people were unable to return to work the next day. Thus some behavior such as thrusting was not permitted and is taken very seriously.
No thrusts, no hand hits, no grappling.
Spada da Filo Rules
The spada da filo (edged sword) lists are meant to simulate the rules and behaviors needed to sparring with real weapons. Though the swords are not sharp, fencers shall act as if they are at all times prior to and during the bout. To reinforce the need to be in control of your weapon at all times, the penalties for mistakes are high.
Actually, making contact with the sword is penalized. Doing ‘stupid stuff’ like resting the point of your sword on your foot or bouncing the blade on your hand is also penalized.
Rapier Rules
Prior to the invention of fencing masks, bouting with thrust-only rapiers was very dangerous. A rolled or button tip could still pierce an eye or break a tooth. These rules are meant to simulate that reality and the limitations that followed.
No cuts. No thrusts to the face.
Duels were prohibited in a fechtschule, but the mix of alcohol and adrenaline could cause mild mannered gentlemen to lose their heads. To simulate the social stigma and risk posed by dueling, no points will be awarded and a fencer may be eliminated from the tournament.
If you are hit, you’re done for the day. If you are both hit, you are both out.
Because the rules are so safety focused, we were able to spar with weapons that we don’t normally use. Montantes, halberds, and wood staves were included in the mix. As were wood and synthetics weapons that are normally not used because they don’t flex in the thrust.

Background information:
Our ruleset, in Word format so you can make changes for your own club: