This event will explore multiple aspects of Indo-Persian martial arts, strength training and physical culture, giving you the opportunity to practice multiple fighting arts and learn about oft forgotten martial practices! “Strength of the Lion” will feature three instructors. Frank Perrin of Bayt Al-Asad will feature as our main instructor in the martial arts, both… Continue reading Strength of the Lion: A Celebration of Indo-Iranian Martial Culture (April 19-20)
March 30th Fechtschule
Join us for our March 30th Fechtschule where we attempt to recreate some of the competitive training practices of the 16th and 17th centuries. A Fechtschule is not like modern HEMA tournament. A lot of the rules are based on what would be necessary for safe fencing in an era before masks. For example, in… Continue reading March 30th Fechtschule
It’s finally done! After 20 months of writing and testing, we’ve completed our Meyer Longsword Drill Book!
First of all, thanks to all of you who gave us feedback over the last couple of years. This wouldn’t have been possible without people outside of out club keeping us honest. The final page count is 328 pages of illustrations, drills, charts, diagrams, and commentary. We put everything we learned about Meyer’s longsword over… Continue reading It’s finally done! After 20 months of writing and testing, we’ve completed our Meyer Longsword Drill Book!
Changes to how we’re doing the rapier diagrams
We’ve found that we really need to call out the constraints, especially in the early plays where students are just learning the exercise. Also, having a way to distinguish between a thrust in opposition from a free thrust is important in some plays. Therefore, we’re making the following changes to the diagrams. You can see… Continue reading Changes to how we’re doing the rapier diagrams
Talhoffer Messer Seminar: Saturday Feb 8th
This beginner friendly seminar will introduce the German weapon known as the Langes Messer or Long Knife. The first session will be a basic introduction to the weapon, its unique features, and some drills you can do solo. After a break, the second session will be looking at all four of Talhoffer plays. If there’s… Continue reading Talhoffer Messer Seminar: Saturday Feb 8th
Announcing Meyer Rapier 1, Second Edition
Ten months ago the Scholars of Alcala published their first drill book. Since then we wrote and released books on the dusack and dagger, but we never forgot where we started. So this fall we took the time to revisit every play in part 1 of Meyer’s rapier. As we went through it, we elaborated… Continue reading Announcing Meyer Rapier 1, Second Edition
New Classes in February!
On Wednesday nights we are starting two classes. For beginners we’ll be offering Meyer Rapier 1, which introduces the 16th century cut-and-thrust sword we now call a sidesword. For experienced fencers, we are offering Meyer Rapier 3, which adds daggers, cloaks, and spears.
Fechtschule Experiment
Recently we ran a fechtschule instead of a tournament. This gave our fencers a very different experience where respect for the weapon and the opponent took precedence over winning points. Like a historic fechtschule, the bouts were not pre-arranged. Anyone could fence at any time by choosing simply declaring that they were ready. So there… Continue reading Fechtschule Experiment
This week at Alcala
Last Sunday kicked off with our first Fechtschule. Overall it was a resounding success with well over a dozen different weapon styles used including great swords, halberds, staves, one- and two-handed axes, and sabres. It seems that the only option not used was the longsword, as everyone was far too interested in using something they… Continue reading This week at Alcala
We Published Our Second Book!
On January 3rd we returned Meyer’s dusack with a mission. This time we weren’t just going to work through the manual, as we had done in the past. No, this time we were going to create our own gloss or explanation for every play we learned. Nine months, ten chapters, and 163 pages later, we’ve… Continue reading We Published Our Second Book!