Ten months ago the Scholars of Alcala published their first drill book. Since then we wrote and released books on the dusack and dagger, but we never forgot where we started. So this fall we took the time to revisit every play in part 1 of Meyer’s rapier.
As we went through it, we elaborated on our interpretations and in case, completely rewrote it. We also updated the format to include some of the niceties such as the tables of actions and responses that we included in later books. Here is the change log we kept:
- In the first edition, the terms “mutation” and “transformation” were used interchangeably. In this edition, only “mutation” is used.
- Corrected errors in annotated illustrations.
- Several plays received minor changes, additional instruction, and commentary.
- The footwork and counter-thrusting drills were removed from the Verkehrter Stich (Reversed Thrust) and replaced with explicit footwork instructions.
- Added tables of actions and responses.
- Verfierte Stich (Deceitful Thrust) 2 was rewritten entirely. The previous interpretation can be found in appendix 3.
- A context drill using driving cuts was added to Nachreisen (Chasing).
- Bleiben (Remaining) was greatly expanded with context drills that explain where the technique fits into fighting from the bind in general.
- The way disengage is performed in the Winden (Winding) device was changed to lead with the point rather than the pommel.
If you bought the first edition, all you really need is the new version of the Verfierte Stich (Deceitful Thrust) 2. For everything else, you only need the updated version if you’re struggling with a drill.
If you don’t have it, well then you can purchase it on Lulu or download the free PDF from our handouts folder.
Other News

The Meyer Longsword book is still in editing, but we’re getting really close.
Up next is Paurenfeyndt’s Staff. The writing is done, but it won’t go into editing until we get the longsword book out the door.
After that is Meyer Rapier 3. We’re skipping volume 2 for now because everyone is excited to get into the dagger and cloak sections. The preliminary interpretations are done, but we still need to test all of them.
We’re also continuing work on the L’Ange and Manciolino books, but those are a long way from completion.